Sunday 7 September 2008


When do you use the INFINITIVE? ( ex : to do)

Source :

  1. After verbs that express likes/dislikes : like, love, enjoy dislike, hate don't mind, can't stand ..... doing
  2. After certain other verbs, such as : admit imagine appreciate involve avoid keep (on) consider mention delay miss deny postpone finish suggest ........ doing
  3. After prepositions : interested in ... instead of ... good at ... before ... after ................................... doing
  4. After certain expressions : it's no use ... it's no good ... there's no point in .............. doing
  5. After verbs that refer to a future event : want, hope, intend would like, promise ......... to do
  6. After certain other verbs, such as : afford help agree learn arrange manage choose offer fail refuse happen seem .............. to do
  7. After adjectives : glad (ex : glad to know...) pleased (ex : pleased to meet you...) disappointed (ex : disappointed to hear...)
  8. After "too" & "enough": too difficult easy enough ..................... to do

    The verbs : begin/start/continue can be followed by the gerund or the infinitive with little or no change in meaning.
    The verbs : stop/try/remember can also take both, but the meaning changes.


Source from:

Quiz Results for: Gerund or Infinitive (Kaye Mastin Mallory)
Quiz Score: 87% (13 / 15) Remaining: 0 Correct: 13 Wrong: 2Game Points: 220 (out of a possible 300)Total Time: 78 seconds.

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