Friday 29 August 2008

Self -study: Subject area research- Marketing

Positive effects:
1. With international market, you can avoid the cost of employing international staff, and use your website to market your product and/or service across the globe.
2. It is easier to market products with the use of communication technologies, internet and transportation.

Negative effects:
1. The wealth is distributed not equal between countries. Rich countries receive much wealth than poorer ones, even using the cheaper labour in developing countries.
2. Local products loose their market because of high competitiveness of products.
Essay draft

“Summarise the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to your subject area

Essay Plan:

1 Paragraph: Introduction
2 Paragraph: Economics and international trade
3 Paragraph: Politics
4 Paragraph: Culture
5 Paragraph: Envinronment
6 Paragraph: Subject area: Marketing
7 Paragraph: How marketing effects the world : positive and negative
8 Paragraph: Conclusion


It is generally agreed that international integration, during the last period of history, became the network communications between countries, people, companies and markets. Integration turned into new kind of relations. Clothes, food, furniture, gas, oil are being exported and imported from place to place crossing long distances, spending low money resources for labour and looking for mutual cooperation. However, poverty is widespread across the developing countries-which have five-sixths of the world’s population. Globalization has weakened the position of poor countries. This essay will discuss global cooperation in economics, politics, culture and environment weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of all spheres of globalization. Marketing as the main part of trade integration will be analyzed and the main positive and negativa effects will be presented.According to Adam Smith (Adam S. cited in Reith Lecture 2007), " nothing seems more likely to establish this equality of force than that mutual communication of knowledge and an extensive commerce from all countries to all countries".

Words: 140

Topic sentences:

2 Paragraph: Economics and international trade have been the most important engines of world integration over the last 50 years.

3 Paragraph: Political activity of countries cooperating in political institutions increasingly takes place at the global level.

4 Paragraph: There is a great level of cross-cultural contacts between people and countries , which appear in exhibitions, seminars, tourism and education.

5 Paragraph: As it is known environmental problems call international community and organizations to cooperate on the international level.

6 Paragraph: After the movement of goods and capitals to the markets around the world during the last century , globalization created such subject as marketing to produce, supply, distribute products.

7 Paragraph: World trade grown fast and with the growth of demand countries producing goods and exporting their, using other countries labour, are facing not only positive results, but also negative.

8 Paragraph: Globalization becomes deeper in all spheres and cooperation is the necessary tool for countries to stay active in the world community.


Tuesday 26 August 2008


“Summarise the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to your subject area”

Essay Plan:

1 Paragraph: Introduction
2 Paragraph: Economics and international trade
3 Paragraph: Politics
4 Paragraph: Culture
5 Paragraph: Environment
6 Paragraph: Subject area: Marketing
7 Paragraph: How marketing effects the world : positive and negative
8 Paragraph: Conclusion

Friday 22 August 2008

Self-study: Globalization

Globalisation is the network and integration of different countries in the world politically, economically, culturally , educationally and socially. Globalisation has begun after the World War Two, as the world trade grown fast and that was the engine for the growth.

This is the product of the industrial revolution.

There was an increase of free movement of goods as well as an increase of flows of money, transfers.But there is a view of point that the world distribution of wealth and income is highly unequal. The richest 10% of households in the world have as much yearly income as the bottom 90%. Wealth - total assets rather than yearly income – is even more unequal. The rich are concentrated in the US, Europe and Japan, with the richest 1% alone owning 40% of the world's wealth. Poverty, on the other hand, is widespread across the developing countries - which have five-sixths of the world's population. But it has fallen sharply in China.

The effects of globalization:

1.Industrial - broad access to a range of foreign products for consumers and companies. Particularly movement of material and goods between and within national boundaries.

2. Financial - worldwide financial markets and better access to external financing for borrowers.

3. Economic - realization of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital.

4. Political - creation of political relations between the governments.

5. Informational - information flows between different regions of the world, which include: internet, communications, satellites, telephony.

6. Cultural - cross-cultural contacts.

7. Ecological - the advent of global environmental challenges that might be solved with international cooperation, such as climate change, cross-boundary water and air pollution, over-fishing of the ocean, and the spread of invasive species.

8. Social - international circulation by people of all nations.

9. Technical - the development of telecommunications infrastructure.

10. Ethical - the creation of international justice.

There is an anti-globalization movement , which is called anti-globalizm. Anti-globalization is a term used to describe the political stance of people and groups who oppose the neoliberal version of globalization.Participants of the movement stand in opposition to the unregulated political power of large, multi-national corporations, and the powers exercised through trade agreements.

My sources of information:

Sunday 10 August 2008

What is Marketing?

Marketing is a process of planning and executing the marketing mix for products, services or ideas to create exchange between individuals and organizations.
Marketing includes advertising, distribution and selling.
Essentially, marketing is the process of creating or directing an organization to be successful in selling a product or service that people not only desire, but are willing to buy.
Strategic marketing: attempts to determine how an organization competes against its competitors in a market place. In particular, it aims at generating a competitive advantage relative to its competitors.
Operational marketing: executes marketing functions to attract and keep customers and to maximize the value derived for them, as well as to satisfy the customer with prompt services and meeting the customer expectations. Operational Marketing includes the determination of the porter's five forces
The four Ps are reffered to a marketing mix:
Product: The product aspects of marketing deal with the specifications of the actual goods or services, and how it relates to the end-user's needs and wants. The scope of a product generally includes supporting elements such as warranties, guarantees, and support.
Pricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product, including discounts. The price need not be monetary - it can simply be what is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy, psychology or attention.
Promotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and personal selling, branding and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company.
Placement (or distribution): refers to how the product gets to the customer; for example, point of sale placement or retailing. This fourth P has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel by which a product or services is sold (e.g. online vs. retail), which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people), etc. also referring to how the environment in which the product is sold in can affect sales.

Marketing is the next which I will be studying. It is connected to my work. Marketing is the process which includes the production, promotion of the product and its realization, distribution.
All these parts of marketing have its stages from production to realization with the methods of advertisement , promotion of the product, selling , distribution, consumers.

Friday 8 August 2008


Student name : Shamuratova Gulya
ID : 06050890
Tutor’s name : Steve Wasserman
Date : 08.08.08


The advantages of a “surveillance society” far outweigh the drawbacks.

Nowadays the crime rate increases all over the world with the new era of science and technology, that demands the increasing of society protection from the threat and requires serious solutions .It is believed that public surveillance make people think they are more strongly protected from crime. There are modern technologies and methods of surveillance schemes, which are widely used to deal over the recent years with the serious incidents of violent crimes. Technologies most widely used for surveillance of society in the modern world are Biometric database, Police database, CCTV and DNA database, which help to supervise and reduce the crime rate. According to Brandon W. (2002) there are numerous justifications for the use of CCTV. They does have the effect on crime and investigation of the crime. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of why it is important or not to the society to be protected and extremely effectiveness of public surveillance systems.
One of the modern security technologies is Biometrics. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (2006) there is an international standard to have biometric database for a person, that also allows every country to have it’s own surveillance system. The biometric database helps the law enforcement bodies keep all the important information, to exclude or include a suspect, to have an information who visits their country. As the biometrics, CCTV is one of the systems which reduces crime in the streets making someone feel safer. It has an immediate and appreciable impact on crime by catching offenders. All this increases the public’s feeling of safety and security in their daily lives, however, most people consume that new technologies of the surveillance for their safety is the invasion to privacy, person’s right ,and potentially could endanger their civil liberties. The GeneWatch argues that the DNA database creates a list of suspects who were not even charged for any crime. Can we be sure that this system guarantee as safety and security? For example, the biometrics database, DNA analysis can be copied easily and used in copying credit cards, personal information, also CCTV system which cannot predict the crime. However, people live in the world of reality and can not predict the crime, so they have to follow the laws, which will keep their daily live in safety. In addition, new technologies for “surveillance society” are extremely important in fight against crime, for public safety and prevention of terrorism.

310 words


“GeneWatch UK submission to the Home Affairs Committee Inquiry "A surveillance society?" (2007)Gene Watch reports and briefings, viewed 07 August 2008, http://

Brandon C Welsh & David P Farrington (2002) “Crime prevention effect of closed circuit television: a systematic review”, Home office research study 252, viewed 06 August 2008,

Thursday 7 August 2008

Stealth Marketing - vocabulary

Everyday we are bombarded by hundreds if not thousands of advertising and marketing messages. Most of these are obvious because we know that we are being advertised to. Recently however a new form of advertising is becoming popular - stealth marketing.

Stealth marketing

Vocabulary from the programme

product placement when companies pay for their products to be used in films and television programmes, this is called product placement

fliers pieces of paper handed out by people in the street which contain advertising messages

word of mouth the passing of information not through media, such as television and newspapers, but through people talking about and discussing something

stealth an adjective used for something that is designed to be hard to detect

a scenario a pre-prepared dramatic situation

to overhear something to hear something accidentally

to eavesdrop to listen deliberately to someone else's conversation

a pay-off a benefit

Writing: practising arguments and counter arguments

1 . It is often said that the paparazzi are too intrusive when pursuing famous people for front page photographs, and to a certain extent this is true. However, people are interested in fresh and new information about famous people and will not be able to receive informationwithout paparazzi's works.

2. Some people consider that murderers should face capital punishment rather than imprisonment, and in some ways it may be possible to argue this case. However, there are crimes which should be punished with the death penalty, such as murder with violence or purposeful murders.

3. It is generally agreed that youth crime is rising and that the police need to take action of some kind to tackle the problem. Nevertheless, the first action the parents need to take, is to give educational information to the child to prevent them from commiting a crime.

4. A common viewpoint is that young people are eating an increasingly unhealthy diet and that schools should therefore take measures such as banning junk food from their canteen menus. Whilst this may be a sensible idea in some ways, we should not forget that it is not impossible for schools to change their menus, because it will take time and extra money.

5. It is widely believed that education is a universal right and that universities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higher education studies. On the other hand, some people say that the government cannot support all university fees.

6. Recent research has suggested that the planet is heating up at a faster than expected rate and there have been calls for politicians to do more to address the problem. We should, however, bear in mind that global warming should concern not only politicians, but also environmental organizations and people themselves, to predict further climatic changes.

7. It is often argued that 'a glass ceiling' makes it more difficult for women to have the same opportunities and rewards in business as their male counterparts. This may be true in some ways, but nowadays women more and more participate in different spheres of activity, what make them to be on the same position as men.

8. Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the Internet, it became easier and faster for people to receive information , educational resources and to make contacts with each other.

Relative Clauses

There are two different types of relative clause:

A "defining" or identifying clause, which tells us which person or thing we are talking about.
A "non-defining" or non-essential clause, which gives us more information about the person or thing we are talking about. This kind of clause could often be information included in brackets (...)


The farmer (his name was Fred) sold us some potatoes. The farmer, whose name was Fred, sold us some potatoes.

It is important to see the difference between the two types of clause, as it affects:

a. the choice of pronoun used to introduce the clause,
b. the punctuation - you must use commas with a non-defining clause.

When can I leave out who, which, and that in relative clauses?

Sentences can be divided into parts called clauses. A relative clause is a part of a sentence that describes the person or thing we are talking about and is connected to other clauses in the sentence via a ‘relative pronoun’, who, which or that. Relative pronouns replace the subject or object of the verb:
Where is the new boy? He was in class yesterday.
Where is the new boy that was in class yesterday?
Can I borrow the CD? You bought the CD.
Can I borrow the CD that you bought?

identifying relative clauses

The girl that I sit next to in class, gave me her phone number.
that I sit next to in class (the relative clause) identifies ‘which’ girl (there could be many girls in the class).

non-identifying relative clauses

This is my friend, Thomas, who came on holiday with me last year.
who came on holiday with me last year does not identify ‘which’ friend (we know ‘which’ friend - the friend is Thomas).

Note! In written English, non-identifying relative clauses are separated by commas, and in speech, by pauses.

keeping who, which and that

You cannot leave out who, which, that when:
it is the subject of the verb in the relative clause
Where is the new boy that was in class yesterday?
it is part of a non-identifying relative clause
The trees that at one time lined this road have all been cut down.

leaving out who, which and that

You can leave out who, which, that when:
it replaces the object of the verb in the relative clause

Can I borrow the CD (that) you bought?

Note! In identifying relative clauses, where which thing or person talked about is clear without the relative clause, it is very common in spoken English to leave out who, which, that.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Exercises on writing topics

1 . The government of the United States of America consists of three main branches.
It will discuss what three branches are, how they function and their main responsibilities.
2. The worldwide increase in road transport is a serious threat to the natural environment.
It will discuss how the road is harmful for the environment.
3. Deforestration has a direct effect on food supplies.
It will discuss the forest disappearing.
4. Although development in the Third World is intendeds to increase self-reliance, the actual result is often increased dependence on the West.
It will discuss that the there is still dependence of the Third World countries on West, even if they still try to increase their self-reliance.
5. There is a mistaken idea that, because of pocket calculators, children no longer need to learn how to do basic arithmetics.
It will support the idea that studying arithmetics with calculators does not lead to less studying of children.

Paragraph 1.

a. 2 SS 2
b. 4 SS4
c. 1 TS1
d. 3 SS3

Paragraph 2.

a. 5 SS5
b. 2 SS2
c. 4 SS4
d. 3 SS3
e. 6 SS6
f. 1 SS1

Paragraph 3.

a. 4 SS4
b. 2 SS2
c. 6 SS6
d. 1 TS
e. 3 SS3
f. 5 SS5

Paragraph 4.

a. 5 SS5
b. 1 TS
c. 4 SS4
d. 6 SS6
e. 2 SS2
f. 3 SS3
g. 7 SS7

Monday 4 August 2008

Post-seminar reflection

How good was I? I think I was OK, because I have done the preparation for the seminar and have participated in seminar as possible as I could. I am saying I was OK because , there are still problems with expressing clearly my ideas. Need more practice.

Did I speak enough during the seminar? I think I did , even It was really hard to disturb someone who was talking to argue, because i was trying to be polite.

Was I a good listener? Before saying something or arguing somebody's opinion I have carefully listened to someone's opinion. I have tried to listen with attention when somebody is speaking without interrupting the person.

Did i argue my opinion clearly? I think I have argued clearly , expressing my opinion and making some examples.

Did I give reasons, examples and evidence to support my opinions? I tried to support my answers with reasons why I chose this or that position, why I think so and making the examples . I supported my answers with the statistics which I have prepared and read for the seminar.

Did I ask relevant questions to other people? Yes, I have asked the questions concerning the DNA and CCTV, what was their opinion?

Was the language I used accurate? I was trying to speak clearly and to express my opinion. I think everyone understood what I was talking about.If it was needed , I explained it the second time.

Had I prepared the language I needed before the seminar? I have prepared the vocubulary which I was going to use in the seminar. The vocabulary related to the topic of the seminar.

Did I direct the discussion or help keep the discussion moving in the right correction? Our group tried to within the borders of the topic, but sometimes it has attended too much time to the particular topic. I was trying to, but also didn't wanted politely to interrupt the active discussion.

Could other people clearly understand what I was saying? Yes of course.Because nobody has stopped and asked to explained again what I was talking about. But it is still difficult to express fully ideas , rather than I can express them in my native language.

Did I work well with the other people in my group? Everyone has expressed his idea on this or that topic, discussion. That was a lively discussion with arguments, agreements and disagreements.

Feedback of my first seminar

Today was my first seminar , which was very lively in our group. I have prepared myself seriously for the seminar. We have discussed the positive and negative effects of CCTV, DNA and Biometrics in the United Kingdom, and also the situation in other countries, which less experience in practicing those. The discussion was very active and most of the participants tried to give strong base and arguments to their answers. My participation in discussion was good and I tried to express my opinion, but there are still some problems with expressing the ideas very easily in English. I have to practice more speaking English to be fluent in speaking.
Summary of the main ideas we have concluded:
1. that people should be educated in technologies as CCTV,DNA, Biometrics.
2. that it is very useful and for people themselves and for police.
3. it reduces crime.
4. some people feel themselves free and protected with these technologies, but some are not.