Tuesday 5 August 2008

Exercises on writing topics

1 . The government of the United States of America consists of three main branches.
It will discuss what three branches are, how they function and their main responsibilities.
2. The worldwide increase in road transport is a serious threat to the natural environment.
It will discuss how the road is harmful for the environment.
3. Deforestration has a direct effect on food supplies.
It will discuss the forest disappearing.
4. Although development in the Third World is intendeds to increase self-reliance, the actual result is often increased dependence on the West.
It will discuss that the there is still dependence of the Third World countries on West, even if they still try to increase their self-reliance.
5. There is a mistaken idea that, because of pocket calculators, children no longer need to learn how to do basic arithmetics.
It will support the idea that studying arithmetics with calculators does not lead to less studying of children.

Paragraph 1.

a. 2 SS 2
b. 4 SS4
c. 1 TS1
d. 3 SS3

Paragraph 2.

a. 5 SS5
b. 2 SS2
c. 4 SS4
d. 3 SS3
e. 6 SS6
f. 1 SS1

Paragraph 3.

a. 4 SS4
b. 2 SS2
c. 6 SS6
d. 1 TS
e. 3 SS3
f. 5 SS5

Paragraph 4.

a. 5 SS5
b. 1 TS
c. 4 SS4
d. 6 SS6
e. 2 SS2
f. 3 SS3
g. 7 SS7

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