Friday 29 August 2008

Essay draft

“Summarise the main effects of globalization and discuss to what extent they are beneficial to your subject area

Essay Plan:

1 Paragraph: Introduction
2 Paragraph: Economics and international trade
3 Paragraph: Politics
4 Paragraph: Culture
5 Paragraph: Envinronment
6 Paragraph: Subject area: Marketing
7 Paragraph: How marketing effects the world : positive and negative
8 Paragraph: Conclusion


It is generally agreed that international integration, during the last period of history, became the network communications between countries, people, companies and markets. Integration turned into new kind of relations. Clothes, food, furniture, gas, oil are being exported and imported from place to place crossing long distances, spending low money resources for labour and looking for mutual cooperation. However, poverty is widespread across the developing countries-which have five-sixths of the world’s population. Globalization has weakened the position of poor countries. This essay will discuss global cooperation in economics, politics, culture and environment weighing up the advantages and disadvantages of all spheres of globalization. Marketing as the main part of trade integration will be analyzed and the main positive and negativa effects will be presented.According to Adam Smith (Adam S. cited in Reith Lecture 2007), " nothing seems more likely to establish this equality of force than that mutual communication of knowledge and an extensive commerce from all countries to all countries".

Words: 140

Topic sentences:

2 Paragraph: Economics and international trade have been the most important engines of world integration over the last 50 years.

3 Paragraph: Political activity of countries cooperating in political institutions increasingly takes place at the global level.

4 Paragraph: There is a great level of cross-cultural contacts between people and countries , which appear in exhibitions, seminars, tourism and education.

5 Paragraph: As it is known environmental problems call international community and organizations to cooperate on the international level.

6 Paragraph: After the movement of goods and capitals to the markets around the world during the last century , globalization created such subject as marketing to produce, supply, distribute products.

7 Paragraph: World trade grown fast and with the growth of demand countries producing goods and exporting their, using other countries labour, are facing not only positive results, but also negative.

8 Paragraph: Globalization becomes deeper in all spheres and cooperation is the necessary tool for countries to stay active in the world community.


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