Thursday 7 August 2008

Writing: practising arguments and counter arguments

1 . It is often said that the paparazzi are too intrusive when pursuing famous people for front page photographs, and to a certain extent this is true. However, people are interested in fresh and new information about famous people and will not be able to receive informationwithout paparazzi's works.

2. Some people consider that murderers should face capital punishment rather than imprisonment, and in some ways it may be possible to argue this case. However, there are crimes which should be punished with the death penalty, such as murder with violence or purposeful murders.

3. It is generally agreed that youth crime is rising and that the police need to take action of some kind to tackle the problem. Nevertheless, the first action the parents need to take, is to give educational information to the child to prevent them from commiting a crime.

4. A common viewpoint is that young people are eating an increasingly unhealthy diet and that schools should therefore take measures such as banning junk food from their canteen menus. Whilst this may be a sensible idea in some ways, we should not forget that it is not impossible for schools to change their menus, because it will take time and extra money.

5. It is widely believed that education is a universal right and that universities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higher education studies. On the other hand, some people say that the government cannot support all university fees.

6. Recent research has suggested that the planet is heating up at a faster than expected rate and there have been calls for politicians to do more to address the problem. We should, however, bear in mind that global warming should concern not only politicians, but also environmental organizations and people themselves, to predict further climatic changes.

7. It is often argued that 'a glass ceiling' makes it more difficult for women to have the same opportunities and rewards in business as their male counterparts. This may be true in some ways, but nowadays women more and more participate in different spheres of activity, what make them to be on the same position as men.

8. Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the Internet, it became easier and faster for people to receive information , educational resources and to make contacts with each other.

1 comment:

Steve said...

These are really good.