Monday 4 August 2008

Feedback of my first seminar

Today was my first seminar , which was very lively in our group. I have prepared myself seriously for the seminar. We have discussed the positive and negative effects of CCTV, DNA and Biometrics in the United Kingdom, and also the situation in other countries, which less experience in practicing those. The discussion was very active and most of the participants tried to give strong base and arguments to their answers. My participation in discussion was good and I tried to express my opinion, but there are still some problems with expressing the ideas very easily in English. I have to practice more speaking English to be fluent in speaking.
Summary of the main ideas we have concluded:
1. that people should be educated in technologies as CCTV,DNA, Biometrics.
2. that it is very useful and for people themselves and for police.
3. it reduces crime.
4. some people feel themselves free and protected with these technologies, but some are not.

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