Monday 4 August 2008

Post-seminar reflection

How good was I? I think I was OK, because I have done the preparation for the seminar and have participated in seminar as possible as I could. I am saying I was OK because , there are still problems with expressing clearly my ideas. Need more practice.

Did I speak enough during the seminar? I think I did , even It was really hard to disturb someone who was talking to argue, because i was trying to be polite.

Was I a good listener? Before saying something or arguing somebody's opinion I have carefully listened to someone's opinion. I have tried to listen with attention when somebody is speaking without interrupting the person.

Did i argue my opinion clearly? I think I have argued clearly , expressing my opinion and making some examples.

Did I give reasons, examples and evidence to support my opinions? I tried to support my answers with reasons why I chose this or that position, why I think so and making the examples . I supported my answers with the statistics which I have prepared and read for the seminar.

Did I ask relevant questions to other people? Yes, I have asked the questions concerning the DNA and CCTV, what was their opinion?

Was the language I used accurate? I was trying to speak clearly and to express my opinion. I think everyone understood what I was talking about.If it was needed , I explained it the second time.

Had I prepared the language I needed before the seminar? I have prepared the vocubulary which I was going to use in the seminar. The vocabulary related to the topic of the seminar.

Did I direct the discussion or help keep the discussion moving in the right correction? Our group tried to within the borders of the topic, but sometimes it has attended too much time to the particular topic. I was trying to, but also didn't wanted politely to interrupt the active discussion.

Could other people clearly understand what I was saying? Yes of course.Because nobody has stopped and asked to explained again what I was talking about. But it is still difficult to express fully ideas , rather than I can express them in my native language.

Did I work well with the other people in my group? Everyone has expressed his idea on this or that topic, discussion. That was a lively discussion with arguments, agreements and disagreements.

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