Friday 8 August 2008


Student name : Shamuratova Gulya
ID : 06050890
Tutor’s name : Steve Wasserman
Date : 08.08.08


The advantages of a “surveillance society” far outweigh the drawbacks.

Nowadays the crime rate increases all over the world with the new era of science and technology, that demands the increasing of society protection from the threat and requires serious solutions .It is believed that public surveillance make people think they are more strongly protected from crime. There are modern technologies and methods of surveillance schemes, which are widely used to deal over the recent years with the serious incidents of violent crimes. Technologies most widely used for surveillance of society in the modern world are Biometric database, Police database, CCTV and DNA database, which help to supervise and reduce the crime rate. According to Brandon W. (2002) there are numerous justifications for the use of CCTV. They does have the effect on crime and investigation of the crime. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of why it is important or not to the society to be protected and extremely effectiveness of public surveillance systems.
One of the modern security technologies is Biometrics. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization (2006) there is an international standard to have biometric database for a person, that also allows every country to have it’s own surveillance system. The biometric database helps the law enforcement bodies keep all the important information, to exclude or include a suspect, to have an information who visits their country. As the biometrics, CCTV is one of the systems which reduces crime in the streets making someone feel safer. It has an immediate and appreciable impact on crime by catching offenders. All this increases the public’s feeling of safety and security in their daily lives, however, most people consume that new technologies of the surveillance for their safety is the invasion to privacy, person’s right ,and potentially could endanger their civil liberties. The GeneWatch argues that the DNA database creates a list of suspects who were not even charged for any crime. Can we be sure that this system guarantee as safety and security? For example, the biometrics database, DNA analysis can be copied easily and used in copying credit cards, personal information, also CCTV system which cannot predict the crime. However, people live in the world of reality and can not predict the crime, so they have to follow the laws, which will keep their daily live in safety. In addition, new technologies for “surveillance society” are extremely important in fight against crime, for public safety and prevention of terrorism.

310 words


“GeneWatch UK submission to the Home Affairs Committee Inquiry "A surveillance society?" (2007)Gene Watch reports and briefings, viewed 07 August 2008, http://

Brandon C Welsh & David P Farrington (2002) “Crime prevention effect of closed circuit television: a systematic review”, Home office research study 252, viewed 06 August 2008,

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