Thursday 7 August 2008

Stealth Marketing - vocabulary

Everyday we are bombarded by hundreds if not thousands of advertising and marketing messages. Most of these are obvious because we know that we are being advertised to. Recently however a new form of advertising is becoming popular - stealth marketing.

Stealth marketing

Vocabulary from the programme

product placement when companies pay for their products to be used in films and television programmes, this is called product placement

fliers pieces of paper handed out by people in the street which contain advertising messages

word of mouth the passing of information not through media, such as television and newspapers, but through people talking about and discussing something

stealth an adjective used for something that is designed to be hard to detect

a scenario a pre-prepared dramatic situation

to overhear something to hear something accidentally

to eavesdrop to listen deliberately to someone else's conversation

a pay-off a benefit

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